The Whiskey Sessions started when three old (by this point) musicians met to get reacquianted and drink som whiskey. The whole think quickly turned into a recurring even about booze, music, and on-the-spot creativity. We get together, pop the cork, and get cracking on writing a song. The goal is to compose, write lyrics, perform and record an entire song in a single evening, preferably before the neighbors start banging on the wall or the audio interface burns up. We often mix and master when we've had a chance to sober up, but we are proud to challenge ourselves to achieve all of this in a short period of time. And it's a lot of fun too...... See below for music, lyrics and photos from each time The Whiskey Sessions have met, in reverse chronological order. Click on a title to see more information about that specific song, and please leave a comment. We hope you appreciate our music! To get in touch, please don't hesitate to write to us at: whiskey [at] johno [dot] se |
Stjarnlig Varldsgang 081102.mp3 (mix: johno) Warning: Undefined array key "lyric" in /customers/6/6/0/ on line 66Den h�r g�ngen var det ingen som drack whiskey men det gick �ven med tequila. Kanske blev det f�r mycket f�rra g�ngen? Med bara v�ra r�ster fick vi till en hip hop-d�nga med schlagerrefr�ng. Vi byggde trumset, bas och orgel av v�ra egna ljud och anv�nde inte n�gra instrument. Inspirationen till titel, handling och text kom ur en bok om universum som Adam impoviserade ur i f�rsta versen. Vi var hos Jonas och Maria och deras tre katter. johno satt vid datorn och byggde ihop allt i Ableton Live. Du det distar, d�! Warning: Undefined array key "postcomment" in /customers/6/6/0/ on line 97 +write a comment Warning: Undefined array key "allcomments" in /customers/6/6/0/ on line 65(2009-12-09, 20:52) johno sa: The power of Ableton Live! :D Tro det eller ej, alla "instrument" är röstsamplingar som manipulerats på olika vis! |
The Whiskey Sessions uses Ableton Suite 9 |